President’s Welcome

Texas Sports Field Managers,
I’m back (and hopefully better than ever!) as I am extremely excited to have another chance to serve as the 2024 Texas Sports Field Managers Association President. After taking 2022 to learn more about our organization, there is still a feeling that more needs to be accomplished with our beloved organization. My passion and energy run deep for this organization and our industry. This year will be an exciting year, but there is work that needs to be done.
This past year, our chapter rebranded to the Texas Sports Field Managers Association to align with the national brand. With a fresh start, we are preparing and focused on a new vision forward. We are focused on efficiency, and as always, expanding our education and membership base.
This year our goal is to partner with the TTA to give our membership more access to education, networking, and career opportunities. Our hope with this is to have joint memberships, TXSFMA sponsored events at the Summer and Winter TTA shows, and much more. Accomplishing this would allow both organizations to exist, but partner to accomplish one goal – helping grow the Turfgrass/Field/Green Industry.
Aside from our partnering plans, we hope to increase our level of regional activities, as well as philanthropy. We have structured our board so there is a Sports Field Manager and a Commercial Representative in each region, for better regional support. We are encouraging regional happy hours and meet-n-greets, both formal and informal. We are planning a field construction/renovation event to help fields and communities in need. Our goal is to increase involvement and opportunities for our members.
As stated previously, continuing our growth as an organization comes from igniting passion in the community. A goal when I started was to see how long I could stay in the turf industry, and as most of our tenured members know, it’s difficult. I’ve admired and met incredible people in the industry that have worked countless years doing what we do. I want to be that person, but with that comes the question of how?
I challenge you to ask yourself how this year. How can we help increase your knowledge? How can TXSFMA community help you feel more confident in your work? How can we be better?
With that, I hope this inspires you this year. I am hoping this encourages you to participate in all our regional and statewide events. Ask me, my board, . Our goal at the TXSFMA is to help the Sports Field Manager to succeed, and we all want to succeed.
Thank you again for allowing me this opportunity to be your President, again. I look forward to what this year brings and hope to see everyone at our events.
Brad Finn