New Member Application

The TXSFMA values your membership and looks forward to your support and participation. Please complete the application below and you will be contacted to activate your membership. Thank you and please contact the TXSFMA office if we can answer any questions.

Click here to complete the New Member Application

Membership Classifications

Professional Membership
Professional Membership- Any person charged with the daily care for a sports field complex or facility as the primary function of their job. This includes contractors who receive over 50% of their annual revenue directly from sports field maintenance contracts. Valid January 1 through December 31. Dues charges are per person.$40.00

Primary Commercial Membership
Primary Commercial Membership – Any commercial vendor, supplier, manufacturer or representative of products or services that apply to the sports turf industry in Texas. This includes contractors who receive less than 50% of their annual revenue directly from sports field maintenance contracts. Valid January 1 through December 31. Dues charges are per person. Each company must have a primary member in good standing prior to any affiliate members from the same company being accepted for membership into TXSFMA. $100.00

Associate Commercial Membership
Affiliate Commercial Membership – Any commercial vendor, supplier, manufacturer or representative of products or services that apply to the sports turf industry in Texas. This includes contractors who receive less than 50% of their annual revenue directly from sports field maintenance contracts. Valid January 1 through December 31. Each company must have a paid primary member designated prior to any affiliate members from the same company being accepted for membership into TXSFMA.$50.00

Associate Membership
Associate Membership – Any person having an interest in sports turf management or associated with the part time care of an athletic complex or facility. This includes coaches, volunteers, ADs, administrators, educators and other non-sports turf professionals. Valid January 1 through December 31. Dues charges are per person. $30.00

Retired Professional Membership
Retired Professional Membership- Any person retired from professional sports turf care. Valid January 1 through December 31. Dues charges are per person.$15.00

Student Membership
Student Membership- Any current full time student enrolled in a curriculum directly related to or associated with sports turf management. Valid January 1 through December 31. Dues charges are per student. $10.00