The Texas Sports Field Management Association (TXSFMA) was established in 2004 by merging the North and South Texas STMA chapters to better serve the sports turf professionals and industry in Texas. TXSFMA is comprised of professional turf managers from colleges and universities, parks and recreation, school districts, private facilities, professional sports, researchers, commercial suppliers and students working in or interested in sports turf management.
Frequently Asked Questions
WHAT DOES THE TXSFMA DO? TXSFMA provides its members several opportunities throughout the year to network, share ideas, learn the latest research, and hear from top experts in the industry. These opportunities include: Regional Educational Field Days and Workshops Special Facility Tours Vendor Exhibits Equipment Demonstrations Scholarship Awards Held at selected locations around the state, our events allow each member the chance to gain a better understanding of the sports turf manager’s role in ensuring the facility users have safe and healthy sports turf to play on.
Who can become a member? Any person who has an interest in the sports turf industry or takes care of a sports field, complex, or multiple facilities. What if I don’t work on the field, can I still become a member? Yes, we have several classifications of membership including professional, student, commercial and associate.
How do I become a member? Fill out a Membership Application or contact the TXSFMA chapter office via e-mail and someone will respond within 48 hours. Do I get anything else with my membership? Yes, you will receive the quarterly chapter newsletter Sidelines,along with notices of 4-5 educational field days and seminars per year.
How do I make payment of my membership dues? Our currently accepted payment methods are cash, check, or money order mailed to the chapter office. If you would like to pay by credit card please choose that option on the membership information page. Someone from the chapter office will contact you within 48 hours to process your credit card payment. If you would like to purchase the appropriate membership type via PayPal, click here. Payments of chapter dues can also be made thru the national STMA office.
How do I get more information about TXSFMA? The chapter does not employ a full time office staff. Please email us with your questions at [email protected]. This email is checked daily and your question will be answered as quickly as possible. Or email any of our board members and they will get your questions answered.