Region 3 Fall Field Day
The TXSTMA rolled South in September and visited Constellation Park, home of the Sugar Land Skeeters. Host Brad Detmore provided a terrific venue that included a tour of the stadium and on field demonstrations conducted by many of our great affiliate vendors. The Skeeters only days before were crowned Atlantic League Champions and we joined the celebration! Constellation Park is a beautiful venue and a great place to catch a game.
Thanks to all who attended at this special event and special kudos to the crew from the city of Temple who came all the way to Houston! Turnout was great with close to 50 members in attendance! Way to go members!
Thanks to Past President Rusty Walker CSFM for pinch hitting for President Kevin Lebanik and conducting the meeting. Attendees arrived early and assembled at the ballpark foyer. TXSTMA meetings are great opportunities to network with your peers and even industry experts.
Thanks to Raymond Miller of Dow and Cassie Kearns of Barenbrug gave really useful presentations during the education program. These two are always ready to help out at our events and we appreciate it.
On field demonstrations were a big hit during the Field Day on Constellation Field. Thank you Jay Blodgett with PTP, Jeff Kadlec of GLK Solutions, Darin Eberly with Pioneer, Dennis Klene with Texas Sports Sands, and Tom Burns / Mike Estlinbaum of Ewing. Field Demonstrations are great ways for attendees to view the latest products and equipment, ask questions of the experts and share information and techniques. Always the highlight and this event was no exception.
Texas Sports Sands
GLK Turf Solutions
Pioneer Athletics
All Seasons Turfgrass
Professional Turf Products
Dow AgroSciences and Site One
Click here for photos from our great day at Constellation Field