2016 Annual Meeting
The Texas STMA Annual Meeting was held in December at the Gonzalez Convention Center, in downtown San Antonio. The event was well attended by TXSTMA who were treated to a great lunch, super door prizes, a 2016 Review by President Kevin Lebanik and the chance to network with fellow members from around the state. The event was held in conjunction with the Texas Turfgrass Association Annual Conference and Trade Show.
Congratulations to Christopher Neeley of the City of Grapevine (right) who was awarded the Cody Hobbs Scholarship for continuing education opportunities for professional members. Student Kristen Burnett (not pictured), a turfgrass management student from Texas A&M was awarded the Dr. James McAfee Scholarship.
Thanks to all who stopped by the TXSTMA booth at the trade show. It was great to see all of our members in attendance and make new friends!